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Protect the Bees

Help Grandma’s care for the pollinators. For every sale of Grandma’s Honey Drops, 5% of the profits are donated to Bee City.

Here at Grandma’s we know that it takes more than a delicious treat to make the world a better place… Although it can’t hurt! We want to uphold our grandmotherly values and contribute to a better tomorrow by helping a cause that we hold close to our hearts, saving the bees.


Grandma’s has decided to help save the bees and their fellow pollinators. We believe in connecting our product back to nature and supporting fresh and natural ingredients. Each pollinator plays a key role in the creation of fresh vegetables, fruits and other foods. To help the pollinators, Grandma’s has partnered with Bee City and other bee-saving initiatives to inspire and engage communities to take action and protect our local pollinators.



Is how far a colony of bees fly to make 1 pound of honey. This is up to 2 millions flowers.



Is how fast a honey bee strokes her wings, letting her fly up to 15 mph.



Compared to 62 in fruit flies and 79 in mosquitos mean they have a great sense of smell



The queen lays during the summer making a colony that can be up to 60 000 bees

Globally over the last 15 years we have been losing anywhere from 30% to 90% of honey bee colonies due to Colony Collapse Disorder, term used to identify over 10 different reasons for mysterious honey bee die offs.

Pollinators (mostly insects) are essential to fertilize most plants. How? By harvesting and transporting pollen to plants. As such, pollinators are essential for providing the food that grows in our field and ends on our tables. They are also crucial in preserving the biodiversity of our habitats.

However, the modern use of pesticides and the lack of indigenous plant species and biodiversity have slowly but surely caused an important global declined in pollinator populations.

In order to prevent the total extinction of pollinators, we have decided to partner with different organisms and raise awareness.

Hungry bugs visit plants because they provide them with an important resource: nectar. This sweet sugary liquid is produced in flowers and provides their insect visitors with the energy they need to survive. When an insect lands on a flower to feed, it rubs up against the flower’s pollen grains, which stick to its body as it travels from flower to flower. The transfer of pollen from one flower to another is called pollination, and it is from this process that seeds are produced so future plant generations can continue to grow.

Bee Involved

At Grandma’s, not only did we want to make candies that would be good for you, we also wanted to do good! Bettering ourselves and the world we live in is one of our founding values. We have decided to help save the bees and all pollinators because without them, we can say goodbye to most food items we find on our market stalls: apples, cucumbers, peaches, almond, and so on.

Bees help bring fresh food to your table.

Why is Grandma’s so keen to help the bees and their fellow pollinators? Well we know honeybees provide us with the most important ingredient in our Honey Drops, but the honeybees and other pollinators do so much more for us. The key here is pollination. The bees help pollinate the plants and the plants provide us with some of our favourite foods, like apples, peaches, cucumber and almonds.

Want to help Grandma’s save the Bees? Good deeds come in all different forms.

  • Simply purchase Grandma’s Honey Drop’s
  • Donate
  • Start a fundraiser
  • Get involved with Bee City
  • Learn more about your pollinators and spread the word!

Grandma’s is counting on you to help save the bees! Contribute to a better future for generations to come.